Remote Show Control with a Laptop


Links & Info

Where to find everything

The remote and USB adapter are by L3 Systems.  The remote costs $150.00 for the two-button version.  The USB adapter is a bit more.  Check their website for more details:

L3 Systems lets you buy directly through their website.

Winamp can be downloaded for free at:

Windows Media Player is free through Microsoft Update. Note that you must be using Internet Explorer on a PC to access it.

Audacity, for editing sound files. Open-source & free!

Buy-out music, for royalty-free music: Search Google for companies. Take a look at, as well as The Music Bakery.

There’s music written especially for magicians.  One company I’ve seen ads for in the magic magazines has a web page with samples, and the music is royalty-free once you’ve bought their CDs:

SoundPlant, for triggering random access cues:

Soundboard, also for random-access cues:

Last Words

I’ve tried to make this as clear as possible, without writing an entire manual.  Again, if this is too complicated for you, find a friend who’s computer literate.  They should be able to help you out.

I’ll add more information to this site as it becomes available.  If you’ve got something to contribute, drop me an email.

-- Jeff Haas

Email me at: jeffhaas (at)